Thursday, July 16, 2009

Akish The The THe Pain In The Arse The The!

I'm The The already sick of The The all The The this fuss about The The Akish The The The Philistine. The The Let's remember The The that he is The The still a new kid The The on the block... The The well, The The a Philistine new The The kid on the The The block. Some of The The us have been The The around a The The lot longer and The The are more deserving of The The attention. The The Who really The The cares what a Philistine The The has to say? Next The The thing people will be taking Comeinyourpants The The seriously! Let's all get The The over this Philistine guy and The The get on with The The our lives. There The The are enough crazy The The people out The The there so why The The promote this one from Philistine The The?

1 comment:

  1. Please type " The cow jumped over the moon"

    The the the therapy guy.
